5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses for Your Face Shape

5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses for Your Face Shape

5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses for Your Face Shape

5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses for Your Face Shape

5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pair of Eyeglasses for Your Face Shape

The American Optometric Association states that it is not enough to get prescription glasses if you want to correct your vision. You need to consider your face shape as well. Your prescription glasses will be on your face most of the day. They need to compliment your appearance and style. Here are five tips for selecting the right pair of eyeglasses to suit the shape of your face.


1. Know the Proper Frames for the Right Face Shape

There is a rule of thumb for choosing the right frame for your face. A round face will need angular frames. The sharp corners will balance out your features. Chiseled cheekbones and angular eyebrows will need round frames. These eyeglasses will soften your hard appearance. A thin face will need a frame that will not bury the face. The eyeglasses must highlight your facial features and not overpower them.


2. Express Yourself

Seeing better is vital, but it does not have to be boring. You can wear glasses that express your personality and sense of style. The frame can be colorful with a unique shape. You can choose a pair that compliments different attire while being suitable for your face shape.


3. Pay Attention to Comfort

Comfort is a key feature that your eyeglasses must have. They should not bother you or hurt your head when you wear them. Your eye doctor will help you get eyeglasses that can last until your next eye checkup. Modern designs have light materials. They seem weightless on your face as they provide you with clear vision. If your past pairs always slid off your face, choose a frame that can be molded to fit the width of your face.


4. Consider Your Lifestyle

Consider the special features of the eyeglasses that you need. These may include flexible arms and spring hinges. Think about the activities that you do every weekday or every weekend. You can choose the durability and features that can help you feel confident.


5. Get Professional Advice

It's always a good idea to get professional advice when choosing eyeglasses. An optometrist or an experienced optician can help you determine the best frame shape and lens type for your face shape, prescription, and lifestyle. They can also help you try on different frames and give you an idea of how they will look on your face.

Choosing the right pair of eyeglasses for your visual needs can help give your eye health a boost. At Specs Appeal, we provide high-quality eyewear that can improve your quality of life. Please visit our clinics in St. George, Utah, and Mesquite, Nevada, for a one-on-one consultation. You can also contact us by dialing 435-216-7059 (Near Brigham Young Winter Home), 435-628-1112 (In Lin’s Market), or 702-346-2950 (Mesquite) if you want to set an appointment or inquire about our eyewear collection. Please visit our website from time to time for details about our soon-to-open Little Valley branch.

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